Most architects, engineers & contractors struggle to stand out from the competition. Our marketing toolbox is full of useful strategies and tactics that help companies communicate clearly so they win work and attract employees to grow their firms.
Rumor has it that a selection panelist once fell asleep while reading a proposal. Buckle up and be prepared for candid feedback on the your proposals. After all, feedback is a gift, and winning more work because you have fresh insights and identified areas to improve is certainly worth celebrating.
Just like climbing a mountain, there are multiple components to winning a project. You need preparation, supplies, a fit team, and endurance to reach the summit. Use a narrative framework that allows you to respond to requirements and provide persuasive content that answers “Why Us” and “Why Not Them.” And “So What?” is a game changer to navigate the icy ridge. From fee proposals to statements of qualification, and from restrictive requirements to an open palette, your team deserves to plant your flag at the top.
The language of A/E/C business is more than spreadsheets and plan documents. Clear messages get results. Who’s the audience, and what do they care about? How do you tailor messages so clients can’t choose anyone but you? We rigorously edit and polish technical responses to improve readability and improve scoring rubrics. And how about those cover letters, project descriptions, resumes, memos, announcements, collateral pieces, websites, LinkedIn profiles, email campaigns, newsletters…
The devil’s in the details, and they can make or break your proposal. Really, not dotting an “i” can disqualify you from being the preferred “we’ve got this in the bag” incumbent. To be their best, winning proposals must go through different layers of review, and successful firms have routine review processes that are worth their weight in gold.
A debrief is a question about a completed mission. As in, how did we do on our proposal or presentation? Improving your competitive advantage means you need to get the full picture of what worked and what didn’t in every project pursuit. Did you lose? What did the other firms do that you didn’t? What is one thing that would have made the presentation better? Did you win? What did you do that stood out? Are there other projects like this that you should be tracking? Ask and ye shall receive good feedback.
It takes a village to win work. From building the team, to ensuring that everyone knows their role, and from the nuts and bolts of compliance and checklists to developing innovative themes and options, your team needs to be equipped with the winning strategies, persuasive tools, and writing skills that lead to the win. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are powerful beyond measure.” (Marianne Williamson)
Most architects, engineers & contractors struggle to stand out from the competition. Our marketing toolbox is full of useful strategies and tactics that help companies communicate clearly so they win work and attract employees to grow their firms.