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ARROW: Principles for Principals

Looking for Something More in 2024?

Most professionals hit the summer season with a bit of blah and then…. more blah. School’s out, so your schedule is cantankerous. You’re trying to schedule a vacation, but that deadline or decision weighs on your mind. You need something to break the doldrums, but maybe right this minute is not quite the right time for an all-out recharge.

Imagine a quick one-day burst of inspiration and excellence in September. It just long enough away not to cramp your summer schedule, and it’s not too far that it’s not attainable.

Check this out!

This immersive 1-day Summit on Friday, September 22 in NOLA (New Orleans for those of you who aren’t quite that cool) is specifically targeted to AEC Professionals with a happy hour/building tour of the historic NOPSI hotel on Thursday evening before.

The full story is here: ARROW: Principles for Principals

We have limited spots, and it’s going to be amazing. I have five coupon codes to give away for $100 off and wanted to invite you in on early booking. LINK TO REGISTER coupon code FRIEND23

The networking alone will be valuable. We’re really focusing our content on marketing, communications, branding, BD, and AI effects on the AEC industry.

It’s going to be a good one! Please consider joining us!

Yes, I heard it.
Your blah summer just became less blah and more a-ha!!!
September awaits!

Leadership sometimes seems like the pinnacle of success. Experienced climbers know the trail isn’t always straight and sometimes there are false summits that slow down the trip. Instead of focused on the end, using a “Learn | Do | Master | Teach” approach sets professionals up for all types of experiences that build their leadership skills and insights.