Most architects, engineers & contractors struggle to stand out from the competition. Our marketing toolbox is full of useful strategies and tactics that help companies communicate clearly so they win work and attract employees to grow their firms.
The Architecture of Vision provides a framework, methodology, and assessment tools to give your firm the edge while building a collaborative, creative, and consensus-driven growth-focused culture.
The Architecture of Vision provides aspiring and emerging leaders with new insights, direction, and actionable steps to take your career to the next level, based on awareness, acceptance, and action.
Craig Park and Barbara Shuck — Society of Marketing Professional Services Fellows, past national presidents, and SMPS Weld Coxe Marketing Achievement Award recipients — share insights into the nature of leadership and leadership development, providing a framework based on three pillars: Inspiration, Innovation, and Integrity. Aimed at the needs of firms and aspiring leaders, they provide clear, real-world, contemporary examples of becoming more aware, accepting, and actionable as a visionary leader in a professional service firm.
Most architects, engineers & contractors struggle to stand out from the competition. Our marketing toolbox is full of useful strategies and tactics that help companies communicate clearly so they win work and attract employees to grow their firms.